In the latest installment of its Signature Bounties campaign , Blockstack has partnered with ShapeShift to challenge developers to create a universal wallet. The contest, which began this morning, April 25, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. EST, will run until 11:59 p.m. on June 25, 2018. The winning project will be announced on June 29, 2018, and awarded $50,000. “We’re really thrilled to be able to partner with ShapeShift for this bounty and to build on the success of the bounty program so far. This is something that speaks directly to the crypto community, who inherently understand the motivations behind decentralized applications,” Xan Ditkoff, a Growth Partner at Blockstack, told Bitcoin Magazine . As with past Signature Bounty competitions, the focus here is to build a decentralized application (DApp), in this case, a decentralized universal wallet. This campaign, however, has a special focus on interoperability and cooperation, as Blockstack’s partnership with ShapeShift suggests. “Increa...